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Why do we need a cover letter? Are cover letters necessary in 2022?

Why do we need a cover letter? Are cover letters necessary in 2022?






Do you often think about cover letters before submitting any job application? Or are you one who feels that cover letters are frumpish in 2022? Well, for both classes, this article is surely going to be helpful! Read on further to know all about the cover letter.

What is a cover letter?






A cover letter is an influential document that lets you exhibit your skills and work experience to meet the employer’s expectations. It permits you to drive the recruiter’s requirements by giving more context to your resume.

Why is a cover letter essential?

Cover letters, or often known as letters of application, are crucial if you are earnest about acquiring a specific job. If you write and submit a thoughtful cover letter along with your resume, it enhances your chance of getting a call back from the employer.

Here, check out the four key reasons a cover letter is significant and worth the effort:

1. Cover letters compliment resume






A resume offers a concise, black-and-white look at your qualifications, background, and skills. While a cover letter provides a preview of your personality and motivations to employers.

For example, your accomplishments on the resume can be elaborated on in your cover letter, and your detailed work experience section in the cover letter can make your application stand out among others.

Further, you can clarify the parts of your resume an employer might be concerned about, like a history of job hopping or being unemployed for a long period.

A well-written resume and cover letter work together to give your application a complete and positive outlook.

2. Cover letters display communication skills

Yes, written and verbal communication plays a vital role in many industries. So, your resume entails a range of job skills, and a cover letter offers you an opportunity to actually showcase those communication skills in writing.

Even with hard sciences or engineering backgrounds, individuals need to write reports, send emails, and communicate with colleagues. So, good communication is crucial for any job. Thus, adding a cover letter to your resume helps indicate your communication skills and could be the influential element that sets your application apart from the rest and helps you aquire the job offer letter.

3. Cover letters shield lack of experience

If a fresher have only the coursework as the most impressive work experience, then a cover letter is a useful way to show the employer your right attitude and knowledge.

Companies nowadays give value to passionate, engaged employees and are ready to give chance to even a fresher. Hence, your cover letter is an opportunity to emphasize your passion for a particular career or industry. It is a great document to tell your employer that even without experience, you are ready to learn and grow swiftly in the role.

4. Cover letters can expand your resume

If you have a one-page resume but still have a lot more to write about yourself, then a cover letter is your ideal choice. However, one of the imperative things to keep in mind while writing a cover letter is to not detail the jobs and accomplishments already mentioned in your resume.

Don’t just convey your career experience and make your letter a dull read; it’s best to expand on a few key accomplishments and allow your resume do the rest for you. Although you have the freedom to add whatever you want in your cover letter, it is suggested to keep it on point.

Share what you are proud of in your cover letters, and tell the prospective employer what you could do for the company and how they can benefit upon hiring you.

Are cover letters still essential in 2022?

Well, the simple answer to this is yes! As per reports, around 83% of recruiters agree that, although not rigorously necessary, a well-written cover letter provides a better opportunity to display why a particular candidate is a great fit for the company.

Although there are many countering opinions on that matter—mostly backed by outdated studies or reports.

Thus, if a company asks for a cover letter before submitting your application, do share that as that will increase your chances of hiring. Also, some job portals have the option to add cover letters with resumes; you must add a brief and appealing cover letter in that case.

What are the important elements of a cover letter?

Here are some factors that successful cover letters must include:

1. Personal contact information

Usually, it is essential your cover letter has a header that contains your name, location, phone number, and email address. If you have a link to your portfolio or personal website to direct employers to your most amazing work samples, do add that.

Although your resume and other documents already have your contact information, writing your contact information always in all your materials may establish professionalism and help employers know how to contact you immediately if they’re inquisitive about interviewing you.

2. Important keywords

Customized cover letters for each individual hiring manager and position is surely going to benefit you in the long term. Also, it is essential to incorporate precise keywords that align with the job posting. Many organizations depend on applicant tracking systems (ATS) that scan applications for the skills and experiences that are most consequential to the employer.

Examine the job description and emphasize some of the core traits and abilities that seem crucial and note which ones you have. Adding some of the topics mentioned in the job description, like software programs, certifications, and character traits, can help you grab the hiring manager’s attention.

3. Previous accomplishments

Including the past achievements you have garnered in previous roles or during your education to show the employer how your skills can benefit the company growth. You can use numerical data, like percentage or influential metric, or can share the size of a project you managed, or showing some impressive skills that can improve business outcomes. If you’ve won any awards or participated in notable projects, discuss these achievements and define why they make you an appropriate candidate for the position you are applying for.

Some crucial tips for writing a persuasive cover letter

Check out the tips that may assist you in improving your cover letter:

1. Proofread your letter

It is recommended you proofread your cover letter after writing it, before you submit for the job application. Enhance language wherever needed and read it aloud to make sure the structure flows well. Scan it again to check al spelling, grammar, and punctuation, especially if you are applying for a role that entails writing.

You can use any proofreading software on your computer or may take the help of a friend to execute the task.

2. Make use of proper formatting

Cover letters are formal business letters; thus, formatting is equally important. Offering a clean, legible letter that utilizes proper formatting may assist you to show yourself as professional and thorough. You can use the following settings for your letter:

● 1-inch margins

● 10-point or 12-point font size

● A readable font

● Black text

● Single spacing

● One page or less

3. Use distinctive language

The words you select in your cover letter can support you to stand out from other candidates, so strive to use action verbs and explanatory adjectives. Make a list of traits you possess and brainstorm the most attractive way to describe them.

For example, for the word hard-working and nice, use words like “industrious” and “congenial.” This may help heighten your cover letter, showcase your vocabulary and writing skills, and present employers with a clearer view of your impressive personality.

4. Abide by guidelines

Each employer has their own choice for accepting your job application. Thus, read the job posting thoroughly to comprehend the instructions for preparing and uploading your application documents.

For example, some employers demand candidates submit their cover letters in PDF format or some want you to email it to them rather than submitting it through a job portal. Follow the instruction for boosting your chance of getting selected for the role.

Besides, following the rules can create an excellent impression on your employer, and they will immediately add a plus point to your candidature. This will result in reading your resume and cover letter by employer calmly.

Final Words

Yes, cover letters are still a prominent part of most companiess recruiting approach, and if you are very interested in obtaining the job of your dreams, we recommend that you must take out the time to craft a cover letter that is unique, professional, effective, and overall a good illustration of who you are and why the employer must pick you.

Regardless to say, a powerful cover letter ought to be coupled with an equally solid resume, and that’s precisely what you can do to land your preferred job position.


Do you still have some doubts hovering in your mind? Or some unanswered questions? Here are the most frequently asked questions on whether cover letters are obligatory.

Question: Is a cover letter necessary for a part-time job?

Yes, we suggest that you must follow the same practice with your part-time job application as you would with a full-time one. Which means you should certainly submit a decisive cover letter with your resume unless the employer specifically mentioned in your job description that the application does not include one.

Question: What about a cover letter for an internal position?

Well, when you apply for an internal position within the company, you must include a cover letter to emphasize your experience and professional interest in the position. This can help you in landing that position and make you stand out among your competitors.

Question: Do I need to add a cover letter for an internship?

Obviously, why not! You should include a cover letter with your resume when you are applying for an internship role. And, your cover letter must focus on your skills and strengths, your education, your dedication, your experiences, and why you are a better fit for this internship program.

Question: For an entry-level job, do I need a cover letter?

Yes, an entry-level job must include a cover letter.

Although, for this role, you might not have many experiences or an appropriate background to list on your resume; so the cover letter is the ideal platform where you can convey your enthusiasm and commitment to the role.

Also, you can in words describe how your skills from your university or past career can make you better fit for the respective role.

Question: What do employers read first – the cover letter or the resume?

Normally, employers will first go through your resume to check whether you have the appropriate experience or skills for the respective position. From there, they determine whether your cover letter is worth reading.

Also, if you send your cover letter in the body of the email, where you have linked your resume, the recruiter will presumably slide through your cover letter before opening your resume. So, in that case, your cover letter should be immaculate, particularly in terms of spelling and business decorum. Do not write “u r” instead of “you are,” or a smiley face.


















































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